[BNS_members] September e-newsletter from the Blomidon Naturalists Society

Virginia Brooke vbrooke.bns at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 11:32:13 CDT 2021

Here's what's happening this month

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>From the President
September is right around the corner. The covid lockdown ended toward the end of June, and the summer has been somewhat “normal” except for the apparent evidence of global warming. It seems the world is either burning or flooding.  The latest IPCC report came out recently, and the warnings are getting more and more urgent. I try to be optimistic that we can turn things around, but it is not always easy. We are a world community, and we need a collective will to reduce carbon emissions to a level where the world average temperature will stay below a 1.5-degree increase. We need to all do our part and put pressure on politicians.

On a positive note, this summer, I read Suzanne Simard’s “Finding the Mother Tree.” This is an absolutely fascinating book describing her discovery that trees share nutrients, not just with trees of the same species but with other species, which will vary depending on conditions. Forests are communities that support each other. We humans can learn a lot from forests. Another book I have read over the summer is Sooyong Park’s “Great Soul of Siberia.” Park is a Korean documentary filmmaker who studied Siberian Tigers for years and would spend months at a time during the winter isolated in a small bunker, as he calls it, waiting for tigers to come by so he could observe them and film them. The bunker was only two by two meters and was not heated. How he had the patience to wait in the freezing temperature is remarkable. At one point, two tigers are on top of his bunker, and the leg of one of the tigers breaks through the roof. This tiger does extract its leg, but Park is terrified that the
tigers will discover him and remains dead quiet for several hours until the tigers finally leave. This book is descriptive of the area, the landscape, and the wildlife. It is well translated and a remarkable read.

For the BNS monthly presentations before the summer focused on Climate Change. This fall, we will focus on Biodiversity. I will be introducing Biodiversity as a webinar; we are hoping that the September presentation will be an indigenous perception of Biodiversity. In September, there will be a BNS course on Mushrooms held at Ross Creek Centre for the Arts by Drs. Allison Walker and Keith Egger. An email will be announcing this course.

I hope everyone has had a great summer and are looking forward to our fall program.

--Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

Federal Election Debate, sponsored by BNS
A virtual debate on environmental policy by the candidates of Kings-Hants Riding.

The Federal election is on September 20, 2021.   What are the environmental policies of the three major political parties?   How will your party's environmental policy address the pressing climate crisis issues?

See and take part in the virtual debate along with Kody Blois-Liberal, Stephen Schneider-NDP, Mark Parent-Conservative, and moderated by Soren Bondrup-Nielsen, President, Blomidon Naturalists Society.

September 7  at 7:30

Registration Link, TBA:
Watch your email and the BNS Program page.
Need more info re: Election, 2021 naturalist issues?

Visit the Ecology Action Centre, here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=f55bf47ff8&e=b24cf58224)   and  here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=a89a8eef1e&e=b24cf58224) .

** Next Monthly BNS Meeting

Our next monthly meeting will be on Sept 20 at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
Topic:   Awakening the sleeping Giant: re-Indiginization principles for transforming biodiversity conservation. For background info on this issue, see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=8094dca76b&e=b24cf58224) .


** Butterflyway Project Update
We are happy to report that the town of Wolfville will allow us to install pollinator gardens at two sites; two small gardens in clock park and one larger garden beside the "rails to trails" across from Willow Park. We are looking for volunteers to help with this later this fall. It would probably be only one day of work, depending on the number of volunteers. You can email us at:    pollinator at blomidonnaturalists.ca (mailto:pollinator at blomidonnaturalists.ca)
Also, we are still looking for possible public sites for pollinator gardens

Flying Squirrel Adventures have lots to offer this Fall

Flying Squirrel Adventures hosts an number of activities for all ages. The 'Forest Play' program for 3-5 year olds starts Sept 13 and lasts 8 weeks, see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=9edb45362e&e=b24cf58224) .  Other sponsored events include 'Family Nature Play' on Sept 18 and 'Nature for Newcomers' on Sept 25, see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=bdea516dec&e=b24cf58224) .

Munro Woodland
Walk and Talk

Learn about Nova Scotia’s woodlands and what grows there

Learn how foresters work to develop and protect our Acadian forest

This Walk and Talk Tour of the Munro Woodlot is an informal, boots on the ground opportunity to learn about tree identification and managing the Acadian Forest (particularly differentiating between early, mid and late successional species).  We’ll talk about and see what ecological based forest management is. The presentation will include information on things to consider, when conducting tree selection and forest improvement.

Workshop leaders: Pat Wiggin and Soren Bondrup Nielsen

Date:  Saturday, September 18, 2021 1-3 p.m.

(Rain Date: Sunday, September 19, 1-3 p.m.)

Location: 1771 Brow Mountain Road, Viewmount, NS

This event is free, but space is limited
To register: Write to:
caplindadale at gmail.com or
hrscommunityconnections at gmail.com

** Mushroom course with
Drs. Allison Walker and Keith Egger
An all day course, 'Fun With Fungi' will be held on Sept 25 at Ross Creek Centre for the Arts.  The course outline and registration links can be foiund on the BNS Progam page, here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=1d9711af51&e=b24cf58224) , under Sept 25.

**   The Nova Scotia Reptile and Amphibian (Herp) Atlas
The Nova Scotia Reptile and Amphibian (Herp) Atlas is a citizen-science project that tracks distributions and spatial trends of reptiles and amphibians across the province over time. This project is led by the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI) and involves researchers and organizations across our province. (We heard a presentation from Dr. Tom Herman in March of this year.)

The over-arching goal is to increase the collective knowledge base of reptiles and amphibians. Equally important, however, is the engagement of non-scientists of all ages and abilities, in all parts of the province, in nature study and conservation.

You can find more info on iNaturalist, and the Herp Atlas here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=458e5bea0e&e=b24cf58224) , as well as info on Nova Scotia's 12 reptile and 13 amphibian species here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=3ff2c6dd05&e=b24cf58224) .

Provincewide Art Adventure from the Ecology Action Centre

Explore artwork and various environments throughout the province.  For more information, see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=541a2b65b4&e=b24cf58224) .

Climate Emergency Gathering and Walk

Join our big climate-caring community as we gather together to demonstrate to our governments of all sizes that we are not just ready for, but demanding their emergency-level leadership and action. We will be joining Canadians all over the country with the leadership help of 350.org to demand decisive, just and equitable action, and to situate the climate emergency as a central election issue.

At 6:30pm, we will gather at Willow Park to hear about the importance of this moment, enjoy some music, and eat our (bring your own) picnic suppers.
At 7:15pm, we'll get our signs and walking shoes on and walk the Climate Change Action Walk around town, welcoming others to join us and making our support visible!

Please RSVP at this link so we can have a sense of size! https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=c78c7f8e07&e=b24cf58224


** Rare tetrapod skull is found in Minas Basin
This rare tetrapod skull was discovered on Blue Beach, NS in July by a Dalhousie University biology instructor who was searching for fossils with her students.  It is estimated to be 35 million years old!  For the full story go here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=1452ea3e48&e=b24cf58224) .


** Wildflowers of
Nova Scotia
The 'Wildflowers of Nova Scotia' field guide was published to encourage an interest in native plants and their conservation. Spring is a wonderful time to learn about our incredible wildflowers, as they pop up from the ground over the next few weeks and months. Not to mention, these easy-to-use, small guides make a wonderful gift! They are available for purchase from our website: https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=2ad4e1ec7a&e=b24cf58224 (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=6f8401ad26&e=b24cf58224)
Proceeds from the sale of this guide will go towards conservation projects. A huge thank you to Carole, Howard and the many contributors for putting this together.

** 2021 Program on Website
You can now see all upcoming events for the year of 2021 on our website. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=0b146056e9&e=b24cf58224) Details and additional events may be added throughout the year.
We acknowledge that we live in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which did not entail the surrender of lands and resources, but recognized Mi’kmaw title.
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If you enjoyed reading this, please feel free to forward it to someone you think might also appreciate it.

As a non-profit, the Blomidon Naturalists Society relies on the tireless of effort of our volunteers and the support of individuals such as yourself. If you are able, we ask that you might consider donating to further enable this work.
Donate Now (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=c4cf1fff73&e=b24cf58224)
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Blomidon Naturalists Society
PO Box 2350 Stn Main
Wolfville, NS B4P 2N5

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