[BNS_members] The Board needs help!

Soren Bondrup-Nielsen soren at bondrup.com
Thu Feb 24 14:38:36 CST 2022

Hello everyone,

As many of you know, Howard Williams left for Ontario late last summer. Howard was the treasurer as well as Newsletter Editor. I took over the duty as Treasurer but only on an interim basis.
We really need someone to take over the Treasurers position.
We have an accountant who does most of the work but we need someone to join the board to:

- Deposit checks
- pay invoiced (e-transfers)
- keep track of deposits and debits
- at end of month send info and bank statements to the accountant.

It is really not proper for the president to also be the Treasurer.

Please let me know if you are at all interested and I can discuss the duties directly with you.

Thanks so much,



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