[BNS_members] February, 2022-Newsletter from the Blomidon Naturalists Society

e-Newsletter Editors newsletter at blomidonnaturalists.ca
Mon Jan 31 06:31:40 CST 2022

Here's what's happening this month

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February 2022 Newsletter

Snowy woods, North Mountain. Photo: Caroline Beddoe

President's Report
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

January has been nice and cold for the most part, which I love. I have been out on snowshoes and skis – it has been a winter so far that one, certainly I, can enjoy. If I say so myself, the Winter on Snowshoes field trip that I led was excellent. There was fresh snow on the ground, the landscape sparkled in the brilliant sunshine, and there were lots of animal tracks to identify and talk about; see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=17e7bea150&e=b24cf58224) .  I will be scheduling another snowshoe field trip for February 13, 10 am to noon (location to be determined.)

The other day when I was out, I came upon a site where a coyote had caught and consumed a muskrat. It was by a small stream where there was some open water. The muskrat must have come swimming and then climbed up on the bank where the coyote happened to come by or maybe was waiting. The coyote was lucky, not so the muskrat, and all that was left were lots of tracks, a place where the coyote lay down and consumed its prey. There were only tufts of hair left. Without snow on the ground I would never have know of the event that had taken place.

I am looking forward to the webinar on February 2. The Government of Nova Scotia has committed (Bill-57) to "conserve at least 20% of the province's total land and water mass by 2030 as protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, including Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas." Alain Belliveau will discuss his proposal for achieving that 20% goal for Kings County. Currently, Kings Co has only about 4.5% of its area protected. There is an opportunity to push for increased biodiversity protection in our local region. Alain will present his rigorous mapping work and what is needed to protect these areas.

For the February meeting, we hope to have Mike Gill, of the NatureServe Network, speak on global biodiversity initiatives. Mike Gill, who lives in Canning (his wife, Alice, owns the Village Coffeehouse, a very popular place) was cited in an article in the Globe and Mail, as a reviewer of a newly-released international study on what needs to be done globally to preserve biodiversity. See: here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=ba7b7c5ed8&e=b24cf58224)

Well, that is it for me. Maybe a bit short but so is February.

Webinar: Reaching 20% Protected Areas in Kings County

Join us for a webinar by Alain Belliveau, on Wednesday February 2nd, online on Zoom at 7:30 PM. Please register for the Zoom here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=b3cfb3447e&e=b24cf58224) .

The Government of Nova Scotia has made a commitment to "conserve at least 20% of the total land and water mass of the Province by 2030 as protected areas [...]" (Bill-57). But what does it mean to protect 20% of our lands, and how to we get there?

In this webinar, Alain will discuss his proposal for how we can achieve that 20% goal for Kings County.  Alain will show us his maps and visions, explain what is needed to protect these areas, and create space for discussion on how we can get involved to protect our local biodiversity.
Settler Education Workshop

Thanks to the Horizons Community Development Associates, and with funding from Nature Canada, the BNS is having a Settler Education workshop on February 10^th from 5:30-8:00 pm, most likely on Zoom, to further our work around diversity, equity and inclusion. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Carolyn Campbell, and there is still time to join. Details and registration here. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=bd4e655c39&e=b24cf58224)
Field Trip: Winter on Snowshoes

Join Soren on snowshoes for a 2-hour winter walk exploring animal tracks and the nature of the snow-covered landscape. Sunday February 13th, at 10:00 am. Location TBA based on weather. If it is raining or there is no snow, the event will be rescheduled. Please register since numbers are limited. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=4bb8e506ad&e=b24cf58224)

January's "Winter on Snowshoes" field trip in the Wolfville Watershed Nature Preserve. Photo: Celes Davar.

** Monthly Meeting: Global Biodiversity Initiatives
Join us for our monthly meeting on Monday, February 21st at 7:30pm on Zoom. Register here now (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=1103c9ca3d&e=b24cf58224 ) , and all details and info on joining the meeting will also be posted on the website and sent out as a reminder closer to the date.

Our guest presenter this month is Mike Gill
(from the NatureServe Network), speaking on global biodiversity initiatives and the International Union for  Conservation of Nature. More details to come! We look forward to continuing our biodiversity focus into the year with Mike's talk.

Flying Squirrel Adventures

Flying Squirrel Adventures is hosting a variety of winter programming, to encourage nature connection even in winter! This includes Nature for Newcomers winter skills outings, queer/trans friendly winter hikes, and a girls outdoor adventure and leadership program!

See all the information on their webpage here. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=1b8a434ad2&e=b24cf58224)

** 2022 Calendar on our Website
You can find our 2022 calendar on our website. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=62874abf83&e=b24cf58224) It is updated throughout the months.

Wildlife Gardening

The idea of supporting wildlife in your own backyard may be new and you might be wondering how to get started this coming spring.  After your snowshoe in the snow, it’s time to curl up with a book or your iPad and find out more. The Butterflyway Project on the BNS website has a section titled “Resources” with a large list of recommendations, from web sites to library books.  You can check it out here ( https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=6934f31d6e&e=b24cf58224) .

If you would like an overview of how to support wildlife, the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) has a good summary on how to garden with wildlife in mind.  Link to it here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=2cd615faf2&e=b24cf58224) .

If you like a challenge, the CWF has an excellent program to register your garden as “wildlife friendly” if it meets their criteria. Now is the time to start planning how you can make the suggested changes and additions to create a wildlife friendly garden.  See more info here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=7ea164c9dd&e=b24cf58224) .

Photo: Canadian Wildlife Federation

Save Species at Risk Signs

Nature Nova Scotia is coordinating an effort to get "Save Species at Risk" signs displayed across the province to show support for ecological forestry and an end of clear-cutting practices that jeopardize ecological health, biodiversity and species at risk, in particular, the mainland moose. For more information and to request a sign to put up in front of your house, see here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=8984a0b795&e=b24cf58224) or contact Caroline directly (coordinator[at]blomidonnaturalists[dot]ca), since she has signs in Wolfville.
Save Species at Risk signs. Help support the mainland moose and demand ecological forestry by acquiring a sign, signing the petition and writing a letter to the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables.

February 2nd: World Wetlands Day

February 2nd is World Wetland Day, raising awareness about wetlands and celebrating their ecological importance around the world. This date marks the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, adopted as an international treaty in 1971.

This day is a good reminder to celebrate wetlands and take action to stop degradation and fight for their conservation! Wetlands are very important ecosystems that support biodiversity, climate mitigation and adaptation, freshwater availability, and much more.

See more about this day at the World Wetlands Day website (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=3e7ed7d6ed&e=b24cf58224) . The Ecology Action Centre has also compiled some information and resources more specific to Nova Scotia here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=8f1ddf9976&e=b24cf58224) , including events and webinars on wetlands. Ducks Unlimited Canada is hosting a wetlands webinar series, starting with "Wetlands 101" (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=61743df190&e=b24cf58224) on February 2nd.

Sweet Marsh, Lunenburg County. Photo: Ducks Unlimited Canada.
Harvest Plan Halted for Last Hope Wildlife Corridor (Annapolis Co.) Amid Discovery of Rare Lichens

A 24-hectare plot of forest near Beal's Brook, Annapolis County, slated to be cut by WestFor, has received a temporary halt to the harvest plan by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) amid discovery of three rare species of lichens. This forest, known as the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor or Camp Last Hope, has been defended by Forest Protectors camped out in harsh winter weather since December to protect this forest and its ecological importance. This land is significant habitat for mainland moose, pine martens and wood turtles, among other species.

The discovery of the lichens (wrinkled shingle lichen, forested glass-whiskers and black-foam lichen) by a lichen enthusiast who visited the camp, seems to provide further evidence for the ecological significance of the site, and now means that the harvest is on pause until DNRR sends someone in to confirm these findings.

See the story here. (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=654f9da4c4&e=b24cf58224)
Hopeful sign:  Monarch Butterfly Numbers Soar in California After Dramatic Losses
Western Monarch butterfly populations have increased a hundredfold in overwintering sites in California after historically low numbers in 2020, per the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Volunteers observed less than 2,000 monarchs in the state at the society’s annual Thanksgiving count in 2020. Last year, they counted more than 247,000.  Read the whole story from the Smithsonian, here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=6c67b40a41&e=b24cf58224) .

Photo:   USDA Forest Service

** Nova Scotia Power seeking 10% rate increase over 3 years, but solar supporters say it will discourage users from moving to renewable energy
Homeowners, politicians and those in the solar industry are blasting Nova Scotia Power's proposed new charge for people who generate their own electricity and sell it back to the grid.  With the expected payback period on solar investments stretching to around 30 years under the proposed changes, rather than the average 10-year span, Brushett anticipates a "giant decrease" in demand for solar panels as most homeowners will no longer find the upgrades affordable. For more information see CBC's articles here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=94c0245123&e=b24cf58224) and here (https://blomidonnaturalists.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0dbe0d10c2ef002331c94c4f9&id=2f1629bd4a&e=b24cf58224) .  If you have concerns about the impact this will have on Nova Scotia's move to ecologically safe renewable energy, consider contacting your MLA with your issues.

We acknowledge that we live in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which did not entail the surrender of lands and resources, but recognized Mi’kmaq title. We want to recognize that outdoor education and play would not be possible without access to the natural world that has been stewarded since time immemorial by the many Indigenous peoples of this land. We acknowledge that we have a responsibility to honour and learn about their histories and current cultures and to actively work in support of reconciliation. We are committed to fostering respectful and sustainable relationships with the Indigenous Peoples of this land, with all other organisms, with the land and with the water.
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If you enjoyed reading this, please feel free to forward it to someone you think might also appreciate it.

If you would like to submit content and notices for the next e-newsletter, please email newsletter at blomidonnaturalists.ca. Thank you!

As a non-profit, the Blomidon Naturalists Society relies on the tireless effort of our volunteers and the support of individuals such as yourself. If you are able, we ask that you might consider donating to further enable this work.
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Blomidon Naturalists Society
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Wolfville, NS B4P 2N5

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