[BNS_members] Riley Leaving

Riley Scanlan rileyscanlan16 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 13:40:41 CDT 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope you are safe and doing well during this new lockdown. As is commonly mentioned, though we are not able to gather with friends and family, nature remains a safe place to roam, think and have fun. 

I wanted to send a quick message to let you all know I have been offered an opportunity with Parks Canada, and will be leaving BNS soon. While I will remain a board member, I won't be able to do as much work as I do now. The main task that I hope will continue when I'm gone, with the help of a few volunteers, is the monthly enewsletter. If anyone is interested in working on this, please let me know. 

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with BNS, I've learned so much and really enjoyed these past months. We have such an incredible group of members and board here!

Lastly, for those of you interested, I'll be working with Kejimkujik’s forest research project to better understand hemlock woolly adelgid. Sounds like there will be a lot of field work, which I'm quite excited about. And as some of you know, I'm returning to do a masters program at Dalhousie in September. Hopefully, this work and my research can still be of interest to BNS and I'd be very happy to keep you all updated. 

If any of you are looking to become more involved in the Society please do reach out. There are a few areas we could use volunteers but the newsletter is a larger one. Now that it is all set up, I expect it to take about a day's work each month. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,

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