[BNS_members] Canoe Raffle to support Engineered Wetland/Waterfowl Habitat Project

Soren Bondrup-Nielsen soren at bondrup.com
Tue Apr 26 10:52:23 CDT 2022

Hello everyone,
Last week we heard from Keeler and Jonas about their work with the Jijuktu’kwejk Watershed Alliance. They are holding a canoe raffle to help fund their research.
Good luck!


Soren Bondrup-Nielsen
Professor Emeritus,  Biology
Acadia University


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ian Manning <ianmanning4 at gmail.com>
> Date: April 25, 2022 at 11:12:12 AM ADT
> To: ianmanning4 <ianmanning4 at gmail.com>
> Cc: Jennifer West <jennifer.j.west at gmail.com>, "Brazner, John C" <johnbrazner at eastlink.ca>
> Subject: Canoe Raffle to support Engineered Wetland/Waterfowl Habitat Project
> Hi Everyone (BCCed for Privacy),
> The Jijuktu'kwejk Watershed Alliance, the local watershed group I volunteer with, has just launched our second canoe raffle fundraiser - the winner will receive a Nova Craft Prospector Canoe fibreglass canoe. This year money from the raffle is going towards an exciting new project - the creation of an engineered Wetland in Berwick with a walking trail  (similar to Miners Marsh in Kentville/French Basin Trail in Annapolis Royal). 
> The wetland will provide secondary treatment to water from the Berwick Water Treatment plant (which is at spec for Nova Scotia Environment Regulations, but you wouldn't want to drink it!) by holding water in settling ponds, before it is released to the river. In addition to improving water quality along the river, this project will:
> - Create new/accessible recreation opportunities for valley residents
> - Create great new wetland habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife
> - Improve water quality along the entire river downstream (Berwick to Wolfville) 
> We've completed a tonne of work behind the scenes to get this project off the ground, and are off to a terrific start. We've got incredible community support and have arranged for volunteers/community partners to help us with the wetland delineation/topographic survey. 
> We have also found an external partner that has agreed to fund the major project work (the actual construction of the wetland). However, in order to get the wetland built, our group is responsible for securing the money to commission an engineering plan. 
> If interested you can buy your ticket here. Tickets are $10 for 1, or $40 for 5, you also need to be a NS resident to purchase a ticket. All the money goes directly to making this dream a reality.  You could even be as happy as last year's winner (Uli from my men's league soccer team)! 
> Our group has zero office space, zero full-time employees, zero regular funding and a huge amount of work to do! I'm so proud of our team and what we've been able to accomplish, and am beyond excited about what this project could mean for our local environment/community. If anyone is interested in learning more specifics, please let me know, and I'll fill you in as soon as I can. 
> Thank you and good luck! Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested. 
> Much appreciated,
> Ian
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