[BNS_members] BNS meetings this fall

Soren Bondrup-Nielsen soren at bondrup.com
Sat Aug 27 08:26:31 CDT 2022

Hello everyone,
I hope everyone have had a wonderful summer.
This fall, starting in September, we are planning on going to a hybrid model for presentations. That is, you can choose to stay at home and enjoy the presentations via Zoom or you can show up and hear the presentation in person.
Instead of being at the university I have reserved the Curling Club for our meetings. The advantage there is that there is a kitchen so we can start with a social and refreshments before the presentation starts. 
We will be sending out a separate questionair to get an idea of how many would like the in-person presentation versus staying at home and enjoying the meeting via Zoom.


Soren Bondrup-Nielsen
Professor Emeritus,  Biology
Acadia University


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